错误信息 org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Premature end of file 通常表示 XML 解析器在尝试读取 XML 文件或输入流时,在预期还有更多数据的情况下遇到了文件结束符(EOF)。这通常是因为输入数据不完整、输入流已被读取过或文件损坏。 2. 检查导致“premature end of file”错误的常见原因 输入流已被读取:在 Java...
微信公众平台Prematureendoffile 今天在研究微信公众平台⾃动接收发送消息的时候,在如下代码:public String processRequest(HttpServletRequest request) { String respMessage = null;try { System.err.println(inputStream2String(request.getInputStream()).replaceAll("\n\r","").replaceAll("\n",""));// ...
[比如上传一个xml文档到服务器,如果先进行保存,那么该xml文档就被读过了,然后再使用 new SAXReader().read(in)就会抛出Premature end of file异常!!!] 所以,如果碰到已经被读取的文件,那么新创建一个InputStream来读取文件即可!
本地调试什么的,都挺好的,就是一发布到服务器就报了Premature end of file 的错误,后来上网上找了,用了各种办法,最后都不行,其中也看到了http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_409994cb0100oj2t.html的帖子说的,仔细读取了博客,最后把“System.err.println(inputStream2String(request.getInputStream()).replaceA...
[ERROR]Premature end of file 原因: 解析xml文档时,文件已经从头读到了尾. 在解析前遍历输出xml文档内容. 解决办法:再重建对象. 说明:解析前调用InputStream.reset()方法,不报错,但是不能解决此问题. Repositions this stream to the position at the time the mark method was last called on this input str...
I have a file that queries orders and writes them out in xml to be polled by some software that reads the order into an erp system. It reads fine but I can't - 5786627
Caused by: org.dom4j.DocumentException: Error on line -1 of document : Premature end of file. Nested exception: Premature end of file. at org.dom4j.io.SAXReader.read(SAXReader.java:482) at org.dom4j.io.SAXReader.read(SAXReader.java:264) ...
B059 PREMATURE END OF FILE An end-of-file was detected (on the source program input file) before CA-Easytrieve Plus could identify a valid program. Verify that the JCL statements that associate a data set with SYSIN (SYSIPT) are valid. This message is generated when a null source progra...
如果在使用JAXB把xml文件unmarshal成vo(XSD自动生成的vo)时碰到如下错误: org.xml.sax.saxparseexception : premature end of file 很有可能时你直接读取文件为inputstream,然后将inputstream作为构建unmarshal需要的source参数。InputSource inputSource = new Input ...