I'm thinking about an option (maybe called like --preload-files) coupled with --playlist that tries to fill the cache with the currently playing track and fills the remaining cache space with the next track. This allows playback without loading pauses between tracks. 2. The HLS user ...
Hello, I'm following the multiple preload-files example. module.exports = { pluginOptions: { electronBuilder: { // Or, for multiple preload files: preload: { preload: 'src/preload.js', otherPreload: 'src/preload2.js' } } } } This will ge...
VM4 sandbox_bundle:93 Unable to load preload script: \electron-vite-vue\dist-electron\preloads\index.js VM4 sandbox_bundle:93 Error: module not found: ./preload1 at preloadRequire (VM4 sandbox_bundle:93:1386) at <anonymous>:2:17 at runPreloadScript (VM4 sandbox_bundle:93:2211) at Obj...
If preload un-esable files,catalogs,video or other advertisements into these usbs,your advertisement won't delete from these usbs, upon clients use these usbs, they can see your advertisement. These advertsements,we can also make auto-run . Upon you plug the usbs in your computer, the ...
Introduces the ROMizer, a tool use to preload Java class files in preparation for placing them into the read-only memory (ROM). Important functions of ROMizer; Its benefits to preloading classes instead of storing the standard class-file in ROM; Other capabilities being develop for the ROM...
I'm usingReact Native SVGand using the implementation with svg files (url to implementation). Is there any way to preload/cache this svgs? I have a component that imports several SVGs and it freezes because it's loading all those icons. ...
This is literally the whole file, I spent weeks researching to come up with this optimized and customized swf prefloader. One useful feature is by using the external .xml file you can preload any files dynamically. Just make sure you setup the caching correctly, don't cache the xml file ...
Preload a partial list of files to improve bootstrap time Wadus2020 New Here , Oct 31, 2018 Copy link to clipboard I'm working on a HTML5 canvas project where I'm trying to change the preloading logic to improve bootstrap time. Say that my project has 6 different assets nam...
{ "Map" "" "DisplayName" "" "Image" "maps/<image for the map>" } } "scavenge" { "1" { "Map" "" "DisplayName" "" "Image" "maps/<image for the map>" } } } } </nowiki>}} == Debugging == To debug mission files the game needs to be started with the -allo...