For their arguments (as well as some rather strong, if not excessive, objections and comments to their proposal) I refer the reader to the original publication in Current Anthropology (in the tradition of this scholarly magazine, the article is followed by a set of comments). The two ...
Unilateral biportal endoscopic spine surgery (UBE) is a newer technique that has become popular in recent years. It has been widely used in the treatment of cervical, thoracic, and lumbar degenerative diseases can achieve good therapeutic effects and greatly protect the spinal structure [8,9,10]...
3. My retailer reacts fast to my objections and solves complaints. 4. I am happy with the price that my retailer pays for my product. 5. My retailer knows the specifics of our products well (e.g., nutritive qualities, methods of production, etc.) and uses them in promotion. 6. I...