Preliminary English Test(PET)covers all four language skills---reading, writing, listening and speaking. Each skill carries 25% of the total marks. PET has three papers: Reading and Writing: 1 hour 30 minutes Listening : about 30minutes Speaking: up to 10 minutes There are two Pass grades(...
内容提示: PRELIMINARY ENGLISH TEST Reading Sample Test Time 45 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this question paper until you are told to do so. Write your name, centre number and candidate number on your answer sheet if they are not already there. Read the instructions for each...
Preliminary English Test(PET)covers all four language skills---reading, writing, listening and speaking. Each skill carries 25% of the total marks. PET has three papers:Reading and Writing: 1 hour 30 minutesListening : about 30minutesSpeaking: up to 10 minutesThere are two Pass grades(Pass ...
Level Test CEFRFree Practice Tests for learners of EnglishCambridge English Preliminary (PET), Reading part 4 - sentences Five sentences have been removed from the text below. Choose from the sentences A-H the one which fits each gap. There are three extra sentences which you do not need to...
The B1 Preliminary English Test is one of theCambridge Englishexams. Who is it for? Do this test if you want to know that you have an intermediate level of English. With this level of English you will enjoy holidays in English speaking countries. You should probably continue studying once ...
PET (Preliminary English Test) is the intermediate level of Cambridge exams, level B1 of the CEFR. The students are expected to use English independently in various everyday situations. PET certificate is recognized by numerous educational institutions and employers worldwide....
PET是剑桥通用英语五级系列英语证书考试的第二级,这个资格证明你可以在实际的日常生活中用英语交流。如果你想攻读专业英语资格证书,它会给你打下良好的基础。该资格考试将提高你的英语水平,这样你就可以在旅行或工作中与说英语的人打交道时进行交流。 获得该证书需要具备 ...
The Cambridge Preliminary English Test 4 practice tests provide candidates with an excellent opportunity to familiarise themselves with the 2004 PET exam and to practise examination techniques. The Student's Book contains practice material for Paper 1 (Reading and Writing) and Paper 2 (Listening), al...
A Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment Study of the Reading Comprehension Section of the Preliminary English Test (PET)Mohammed, AishaDawood, Abdul Kareem ShareefAlghazali, TawfeeqKadhim, Qasim KhlaifSabti, Ahmed AbdulateefSabit, Shaker HolhInternational Journal of Language Testing...
PRELIMINARYENGLISHTEST ReadingandWriting SAMPLETEST6 Time1hour30minutes INSTRUCTIONSTOCANDIDATES Donotopenthisquestionpaperuntilyouaretoldtodoso. Writeyourname,centrenumberandcandidatenumberonyouranswersheetsifthey arenotalreadythere. Readtheinstructionsforeachpartofthepapercarefully. ...