It may have taken Michelangelo four long years to paint his fresco on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, but his earliest predecessors spent considerably longer perfecting their own masterpieces. Scientists have discovered that prehistoric cave paintings took up to 20,000 years to complete. Rather t...
A fourth main objective of the workshops was to point out how archaeology encompasses the humanities, cultural studies and the natural sciences, and that there are important interactions between all three. One example is conclusions that can be drawn from cave paintings: as cultural objects, about ...
The answers are obtained from several sources: A. Collection of artifacts from the trails’ surface yields assemblages of flint and pottery sherds from the Early Neolithic to near present, i.e., from the last 10,000 years (Figure 8a,b). B. The ancient roads are often accompanied by cult...
sound;archaeology;archaeoacoustics;acoustics;reverberation;clarity;Stonehenge;cave;theatre;EDT;music 1. Introduction This paper asks how one best studies the acoustic ecologies of archaeological spaces? Are standard acoustics methods appropriate in such sound archaeology or archaeoacoustic research? It explor...