Scientific Classification Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Mammalia Order Proboscidea Family Elephantidae Genus Mammuthus Mammoths were a genus of herbivores closely related to modern animals. Their were a variety of different species that lived during the Pliocene epoch, from about 4.8 million ...
WHAT DID THEY LOOK LIKE? We have a fairly good idea of the size and shape of prehistoric cats and cat-like creatures, but what did they actually look like? Did prehistoric "lions" they have manes and tail tufts? Did the sabre-tooth "tiger" have stripes? Where they sleek or shaggy? ...
Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Mammalia Order Carnivora Family Felidae Subfamily Machairodontinae Genus Smilodon Smilodon (sometimes popularly known as the "saber-toothed cat" or "saber-toothed tiger") was a predator that lived in North and South America from the late Pliocene epoch to the...
Have you ever wanted to experience the obscure Dinosaurs with a slight fantasy vibe that remains grounded and is semi-accurate? Prehistoric Animalia is the perfect choice for you! This addon is by Zuyura and was made by the help of the team on Discord. ...
KingdomAnimalia PhylumChordata ClassSynapsida OrderPelycosauria SuborderEupelycosauria FamilySphenaocodontidae GenusDimetrodon mammal-like reptiles Edward D. Cope Fossils Europe fossils fossilized footprints DimetrodonTimeline: Dimetrodon was a carnivorous (meat-eating) mammal-like reptile that lived between ...
KingdomAnimalia PhylumChordata InfraphylumGnathostomata ClassPlacodermi fossils China fossils fossilization PlacodermsTimeline: Placoderms were armored fish that lived between 430 and 360 million years ago Related Information & Resources Prehistoric Animals- Prehistoric and Extinct Animals ...
KingdomAnimalia PhylumChordata ClassChondrichthyes SubclassElasmobranchii OrderLamniformes FamilyLamnidae GenusCarcharodon SpeciesCarcharodon megalodon Carcharodon megalodon US Georgia MegalodonTimeline: Carcharodon megalodon was a giant shark that lived between 18 and 1.5 million years ago ...
KingdomAnimalia PhylumChordata ClassAves OrderArchaeopterygiformes FamilyArchaeopterygidae GenusArchaeopteryx Protoavis Jurassic period fossils fossil Charles Darwin Theropod Theropod fossils Othniel C. Marsh ArchaeopteryxTimeline: Archaeopteryx was an early bird with many dinosaur-like features that lived ...
KingdomAnimalia PhylumChordata ClassActinopterygii SuperorderOsteoglossomorpha OrderIchthyodectiformes FamilyIchthyodectidae SubfamilyIchthyodectinae GenusXiphactinus Cretaceous period fossils Alabama Georgia Kansas Europe Australia XiphactinusTimeline: Xiphactinus was a bony fish that lived during the Cretaceous...
Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Aves Order Gruiformes Order Phorusrhacidae The Phorusrhacids (which means "rag bearers"), popularly known as "terror birds" were large carnivorous flightless birds that were native to South America - although some species did manage to establish themselves in...