拦截器 preHandler、 postHandler、afterCompletion preHandler 调用时间:Controller方法处理之前 执行顺序:链式Intercepter情况下,Intercepter按照声明的顺序一个接一个执行 若返回false,则中断执行,注意:不会进入afterCompletion postHandler 调用前提:preHandle返回true 调用时间:Controller方法处理完之后,DispatcherServlet进行视图的...
postHandler 调用前提:preHandle返回true 调用时间:Controller方法处理完之后,DispatcherServlet进行视图的渲染之前,也就是说在这个方法中你可以对ModelAndView进行操作 执行顺序:链式Intercepter情况下,Intercepter按照声明的顺序倒着执行 afterCompletion 调用前提:preHandle返回true 调用时间:DispatcherServlet进行视图的渲染之后 注意...
() as CustTable; // do something } /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="args"></param> [PostHandlerFor(tableStr(CustTable), tableMethodStr(CustTable, insert))] public static void CustTable_Post_delete(XppPrePostArgs args) { CustTable cust...
const middleware = (_req, _res, next) => { console.log('middleware'); next() } server.post('/api/admin/test', { preHandler: [middleware] }, async (request: any, reply: any) => { return null }); Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud)归档...
In one embodiment, the pre and post handler is used with trap on branch to log trace records prior to and immediate after taking a branch. In another embodiment, a pre handler is enabled to log trace records that occur prior to executing interrupt service routines. A post handler is ...
PostResolveRequestCache PostUpdateRequestCache PreRequestHandlerExecute PreSendRequestContent PreSendRequestHeaders ReleaseRequestState RequestCompleted ResolveRequestCache UpdateRequestCache 显式接口实现 HttpApplicationState HttpApplicationStateBase HttpApplicationStateWrapper ...
PostRequestHandlerExecute PostResolveRequestCache PostUpdateRequestCache PreRequestHandlerExecute PreSendRequestContent PreSendRequestHeaders ReleaseRequestState RequestCompleted ResolveRequestCache UpdateRequestCache Explicit Interface Implementations HttpApplicationState HttpApplicationStateBase HttpApplicationStateWrapper Htt...
RQ_PRE_EXECUTE_REQUEST_HANDLER, // Specify the post-event notifications. RQ_PRE_EXECUTE_REQUEST_HANDLER ); } 模块必须导出 RegisterModule 函数。 可以通过为项目创建模块定义 (.def) 文件导出此函数,也可以使用 开关编译模块 /EXPORT:RegisterModule。 有关详细信息,请参阅 演...
I have a post method in my js file which need to send 2 parameters. } and my api controller (mvc) is like and in factory but when i am invoking the api, it returns a 500 internal server error and I do...Does ColdFusion fire CFEXECUTE and then leave or does it wait for CFEXECUT...
xlog is a logger for net/context aware HTTP applications - xlog/handler_pre17_test.go at master · rs/xlog