Factors influencing treatment enrollment by pregnant substance abusers. American Journal of Drug & Alcohol Abuse. 2003; 29 (1):117–131.Haller, D.L.; Miles, D.R. & Dawson, K.S. 2003. Factors influencing treatment enrollment by pregnant substance abusers. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol...
The cost-effectiveness of substance abuse treatment for pregnant womenDaley, Marilyn
The background for the law was that substance abuse during pregnancy represents a significant health problem for the child. AIM – The main aim of this study was to explore if an attachment between the mother and her unborn child was possible in a context of coercion as experienced from the...
Substance abuse treatment experiences Twenty women (66.7%) had sought substance abuse treatment at some point in the past and had navigated barriers to finding, affording and attending different types of treatment programs. Of the ten women who had not sought treatment, most used only alcohol, tob...
Barriers to receiving substance abuse treatment among rural pregnant women in Kentucky. Matern Child Health Journal. 2012;16(9):1762-70.Jackson A, Shannon L. Barriers to receiving substance abuse treatment among rural pregnant women in Kentucky. Matern Child Healt J. 2011, doi:10.10...
We want to help you find treatment if you or someone you love is suffering from substance abuse while pregnant. Though there are different ways in which this process is achieved when the patient is also carrying a child, detox can be a beneficial option, allowing patients to start ou...
Parenting training for women in residential substance abuse treatment: Results of a demonstration project This paper presents findings on the impact of implementing a parenting component in two urban residential treatment programs in Massachusetts for pregnant ... CN Finkelstein - 《Journal of Substance ...
Residential drug treatmentPractice-based researchService needsThis study aims at exploring the sociodemographic characteristics, service needs, reasons, and timing of pregnant substance abuse women seeking residential drug treatment in Hong Kong. The sample includes nine pregnant substance abuse women who ...
Participants were 200 pregnant women presenting for substance abuse treatment at one of four sites. Women were randomly assigned to either a three-session MET condition or treatment as usual (TAU). Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) revealed no significant moderation effects on drug use at post...
In this study, we used data from the 2007 to 2018 National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services to describe recent time trends and the geographic distribution of treatment facilities with specialized programs for PPW. We also compared differences in the availability of opioid agonist ...