Lots of women make friends for life at their antenatal groups, so if it is your first baby, it is an excellent way of making lots of mum-to-be pals, and sharing experiences (and niggles and moans!) And of course, lots of little same age playmates for your bubba in the future! Clas...
Although every pregnancy is different, from around now, you will start to feel your baby move. Timings can be different for every mum-to-be so if you haven’t felt anything yet, don’t panic. In the early days your baby’s kicks don’t feel like kicks as such, many describe them ...
Some mums-to-be might decide someone less obvious might be a greatbirth partnertoo. Often this can be their own mum, sister or a close friend who can also provide the extra emotional and practical support in labour. Things to think about when choosing someone is are they calm? Will they...
A four-month-old foetus will turn away if a bright light is shone on the mum's belly Babies yawn in the womb Around now, your baby's eyes start becoming sensitive to light Your baby is around 11.6 cm long now and about the size of an orange Your baby can make a fist and suck it...