I feel sick all the time I’m so tired I can’t get anything done I feel I’m losing control of my body I feel bloated and fat Will my body ever be the same again? It’s normal to worry and stress about these things, but if these feelings won’t go away, it can be a sign...
Learn more about your pregnancy, includingpregnancy planningandpregnancy nutritionto feel prepared to continue this magical adventure. You’re armed with the facts, what to do, and now you can take time to connect with the little one growing inside you. Withweek 13in the rearview mirror and we...
At the time I had been asking advice on a menstrual cup. Now though a lot has happened since then, I have gone through a Grandmothers death. One job and now on my second that I have held sence 2013 and a boyfriend, who turned fiance, and now husband. He and I have been married ...
Quickening might feel like a slight twitch, so don’t worry if you can’t feel it just yet. It can happen any time between now and week 22.Be on the lookout for a fluttering sensation, sometimes mistaken for gas or your stomach growling. How To Get Your Baby To Move at 17 Weeks W...
If the semen was exposed to air for very long it would have dried and the sperm would die. Your symptoms aren't specific enough to say you're pregnant. It is very early for any symptoms to show. More than likely it is the anxiety making you feel sick. ...
By this stage you will hopefully have a positive pregnancy test in your hand – you're officially five weeks pregnant now and an old hand at all this. Around this time women often report some of the following symptoms: A feeling of 'fullness' in the womb, which could be due to the pl...
If your baby arrives at 36 weeks, they'll be considered "late preterm" and will have the same chance of being healthy asfull-terminfants. Baby development at 36 weeks Your baby's lungs Your baby's lungs are ready for the outside world! When your newborn inhales for the first time –...
young adult still in your child bearing years but given more time, if your celiac disease had gone undiagnosed and you continued to eat gluten, you would have likely developed some of the classic symptoms as the damage to the villous lining of the small bowel became more severe. Since you ...
Feeling sick: Nausea and vomiting usually known as morning sickness Not just in the morning but any time during the day or night Usually 6 weeks after the last period Tiredness: During the first 12 weeks feeling tired or exhausted is normal due to pregnancy-related hormonal changes Sore/tend...
The reality star has also been forced to take medication to keep her progesterone levels up, she revealed onKeeping Up With the Kardashians. As a result, she says, “I feel sick every night.” And mournful for her regular glass of vino. While the source says she hasn’t had crazy crav...