Caring Choices provides free ultrasound services & education on abortion pills & procedures, free STD testing, adoption, pregnancy, parenting & more. Be empowered to make an informed choice.
Some pregnant women may benefit from seeking out professional help if their symptoms persist beyond two weeks. Is it normal to feel depressed while pregnant? The pregnancy blues are common but not often talked about, making many women reluctant to reach out for the support they need. It ...
What level of progesterone on day 21 shows that ovulation has occured ? Is this a sure shot way to say ovulation has occured or not 277 Views | ... Read More I am 8 weeks with attached ultrasound report. My progesterone level is 23 , doctor suggested aquaguest 50 alternate day....
as Janice had told her about this site, and she came upon my name and decided to IM me. I am grateful that she did. She said that she knew that Janice would want all of
When your cervix starts to efface, labor is near. Here's what to know about effacement (and dilation too). Chorionic Villus Sampling Benefits and Risks Here's what to expect during this first-trimester test, as well as why it's given and the risks. 5 Things You Shouldn’t Stress Ab...
birthday, when I got official word from peeing on my pregnancy test at my gym (more privacy than in our apartment),I did the calculation and realized that just like in Kevin’s vision with the prominent #39 that caught his eye, I had conceived our childduring my last few weeks of ...
Whether you prefer soft or firm beds, we have something that will meet your sleep needs. These are the 10 best mattresses for pregnancy!
It is the only test that my clients can easily access without a blood draw that shows them in real time what their progesterone is up to in the luteal phase. It easily integrates into the app and it’s super easy to take the test. I have had several clients who were able to start ...
So we dry humped with he also in his thin underwear and me in my cotton nigh ... Asked for Female, 22 Years 2330 Views Dr. Pushpa Gour Gynecologist | Bhopal 1/1 people found this helpful No chance of pregnancy. ... Read More My LMP shows 9 weeks 4 days While abdominal ...
don’t want him to be without sex but it’s so uncomfortable for me that, you know, I don’t wanna end up going like a year without sex after you have the 6 weeks after giving birth and all that but it’s, you know, it’s an awkward situation I guess that, yeah I don’t ...