This report describes a case of 2.5-year-old ectopic primary abdominal pregnancy in a 7-year-old Persian cat. The cat was admitted to the surgery clinic for routine ovariohysterectomy with no characteristic clinical symptoms. During surgery, ovaries, uterus and ligaments were normal, ...
As is mentioned in our feline heat page (above link), not all female cats will show obvious signs of being "in season" (in heat) in the presence of their owners. Likewise, not all pet owners are skilled in detecting the symptoms of cat heat behavior, even if the female cat in questi...
Cat pregnancy symptoms and timetable to determine if your cat is pregnant. Cat pregnancy signs include changes to nipples, increased appetite, growing belly, and changes in behavior.
Toxoplasmosis is an infection caused by theparasiteT. gondii. It is very common, with more than 60 million Americans thought to be infected. It can affect nearly any warm-blooded animal. While it rarely causes symptoms in adults, those who are pregnant are especially at risk. Cats are a gr...
Toxoplasmosis Symptoms Toxoplasmosis symptoms in babies Babies may get toxoplasmosis if the mother has been infected just before or during the pregnancy, even if they don’t have signs of the disease. Many early infections end in stillbirth or miscarriage. If the baby survives, they may have seri...
"The concern when it comes to pregnancy and catlitteris a type of parasitic infection called toxoplasmosis. This is the type of infection that cats can get. They might not have any symptoms of it themselves, but they shed the parasite in their stool. And, so, it ends up in the cat li...
However, some dogs can go through a false pregnancy where they get all of the above symptoms and are not pregnant. The ultrasound should be an accurate tool to determine if she's pregnant. Hope all goes well! Dr. MarieDo you have a pet website? Interested in learning more about SEO fo...
Canine Pregnancy Relaxin Rapid Test pregnancy symptoms Relaxin is a specific hormone generated mainly by the placenta. It is usually used as an indicator of pregnancy status in female dogs and cats.In pregnant dogs, relaxin can be detected from 15 days after the nidation of fertil...
For healthy cats and adults without compromised immune systems, there may be no impact from the disease. Per the CDC:“Most infected infants don’t have any symptoms at birth, but can develop serious symptoms later in life such as blindness or mental disability.” Can all Cats Get Toxopla...
Toxoplasmosis Fact Sheet- Toxoplasmosis Fact Sheet including a concisetoxoplasmosis symptom listfrom King County, WA, USA. See thecat illness symptomspage for more information on illnesses in cats. Cat Health