Non stress test (NST) is now considered gold standard test in screening of high risk pregnancy .Non stress test is safe , easy to use and widely available method. Study shows that early detection of fetal distress can help early intervention and reduce chances of fetal mortality. However rate...
Evolution of the nonstress test On May 1, 1975, at Women's Hospital, Los Angeles County-University of Southern California Medical Center, a new antepartum fetal heart rate (AFHRT) protocol was put into clinical use. This included the widely used contraction stress test... Larry,R.,Everts...
The value of daily fetal heart rate (FHR) nonstress test (NST) and 24-hour urinary excretion of estriol (E3) were compared in a consecutive series of 76 diabetic pregnancies. The NST scoring system (0–10 points) employed included monitoring of fetal movements in addition to evaluatio...
No medication (not even a nonprescription drug) should be taken except under medical supervision, since it could pass from the mother through the placenta to the developing baby. Some drugs, called teratogens, have been proven harmful to a fetus, but no drug should be considered completely safe...
Interpretation of the nonstress test can sometimes be misleading; there is a relatively high rate of false-positive results, which means the test may come back positive when thefetusis actually well. It's hard to decide what to do next. ...
发生高危妊娠的因素 孕妇高危妊娠HighRiskPregnancy 3 一、社会因素 1、社会经济状态2、职业3、环境4、婚姻状况5、心理因素 孕妇高危妊娠HighRiskPregnancy 4 二、人口统计学因素 1、母亲年龄2、母亲受教育程度3、母亲身高4、母亲体重及妊娠体重增加 孕妇高危妊娠HighRiskPregnancy 5 三、过去妊娠及分娩史 1、不孕史2...
To evaluate whether serial monitoring of fetuses beyond 40 weeks with biophysical profile and non-stresstest improves the fetal outcome in terms of morbidity and mortality determined by APGAR score at 5 minutes, presence of meconium in liquor,weight of baby and admission of neonate in nursery and...
non-stress testplasmapheresispregnancysuicideA case of coma due to carbamazepine ingestion with the intention of committing suicide at 33 weeks' gestation is ... D Grassi,S Brizzolara - 《Journal of Perinatal Medicine》 被引量: 32发表: 2005年 Drug-Test Interactions Handbook Part 1 Bone disease:...
7、),胎心电子监测-NST,无应激试验(non stress test,NST),又称胎心加速试验:是以胎动时伴一过性胎心加速为基础。通过观察胎动时胎心的变化,了解胎儿的储备能力。正常情况下,20分钟内至少有3次以上胎动伴 有胎心加速大于10bpm。,胎心电子监测-OCT,催产素激惹试验(oxytocin challege test,OCT)或宫缩应激试验(contra...
妇产科学--过期妊娠Postterm Pregnancy 过期妊娠 过期妊娠(PosttermPregnancy)医学课件 1 过期妊娠 重点内容:•过期妊娠的定义及其危害;•过期妊娠的诊断及处理原则;•胎儿宫内安危的监测。医学课件 2 过期妊娠 一.定义:•平时月经规则,妊娠达到或超过42周尚未分娩者。•围产儿病率,死亡率高。•自然...