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Smoking, use of alcohol and physical activity were measured using questions based on a study on prenatal care [47, 48]. Women were asked if they had smoked or used alcohol in the past 14 days (Y/N) and if they ever smoked or used alcohol before. If so, they were asked about the ...
Consequently sets of trait questions were not designed as measures of autistic traits but rather to identify the child's performance in regard to a large number of attributes at different ages; regression analyses had identi- fied those related to social communication, coherent speech, repetitive ...
The history of sexual abuse was assessed with an adapted version of the Abuse Assessment Screen [26] at 8 weeks postpartum. The questions were: “Have you ever, as an adult, been coerced into sexual activities?” (no/yes) and “Have you ever, as an adult, been forced into sexual acti...
A research assistant (and translator, when necessary) answered any questions the participant might have and made sure women had a copy of the consent form to keep. Data were gathered using paper and pencil forms (China, U.S.) and verbal interviews (Ghana). No identifying infor- mation ...
Yet, in classifying perinatal deaths, in particular stillbirths, the ICD has shortcomings. By not consistently identifying the fetus (with its cord, placenta and membranes) as an individual entity to assign codes to, there are many missing codes e.g. for the many significant placental lesions....
The interviewer responded flexibly with follow-up questions, but examples of initial questions include "Please tell me about your decision-making as to whether or not to have a second child" and "How do you feel about that decision-making from your current perspective?" This study was approved...
Further, there were questions about their experience of the follow-up telephone consultation. The interviewer encouraged informants to speak freely and elaborate on their statements, emphasizing that there were no right or wrong answers [35]. Saturation was sought by gathering as much richness of ...