Microbial assemblages and associated biogeochemical processes in Lake Bonney, a permanently ice-covered lake in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica –Hanbyul Lee et al – BMC Environmental Microbiome Tools & methods Intestinal organ chips for disease modelling and personalized medicine –Alican Özkan ...
You'll time your contractions and keep tabs on whether they're getting more powerful and closer together. Keep your doctor in the loop. She'll tell you when it's time to go to the hospital or birth center. Call her right away if you think your water broke. Once you're at the hospi...
Between 50 to 90 percent of people who are pregnant experience cravings for everything from ice chips to ice cream. Along with fatigue, nausea, and aversion to certain foods, cravings can be a common early sign of pregnancy. Typically, they peak in the second trimester and start to decline...
When you enter the hospital, you will either be placed in a wheelchair or you will walk to a labor room. You will be hooked up to an IV, one or several monitors and denied food and even beverages (other than ice chips, which in many cultures are considered something to avoid in labor...
Today I’m 14 weeks and 5 days pregnant, which (for me) means none of my pants fit comfortably anymore, but I don’t have a significant baby bump yet. I really feel like this post is a journal entry about what I’m experiencing now since I’m writing to you while still being in...
I thought it would be funny to see if any of those pregnancy myths or predictors like “you’re having a girl if you crave sweets” were true for you guys. So far, I don’t think they hold much truth for me… Rumor #1: If you crave sugary foods it’s a girl, and if you crav...
Cookies, candies, donuts, cakes, syrup, honey, and potato chips have a lot of calories and little nutrition. Try not to eat these foods every day. Instead, try fresh fruit, low-fat yogurt, angel food cake with strawberries, or pretzels as lower-calorie snack and dessert choices. Use ...
Be prepared to support her.Record music she wants to hear during labor; prepare some distractionsthat you can bring to the hospital; and be ready to embrace her and coach her, soothe her and massage her, feed her ice chips and offer her liquids. If you're up for it, ask your doctor...
(whatever that means) so that is a good sign. However, he said that considering my symptoms and the fact that I delivered Griffin at 37wks and 5 days he was concerned about an early Riley arrival. They don't have a NICU at the base hospital so if labor was to start prior to 37 ...
To claim a Baby Bonus: claim must be lodged within 52 weeks of the child’s birth (or in the case of adoption, within 52 weeks of the adopted child coming into the adopting parent’s care) Hospital will usually pass you the claim form at the time of birth, but you can also obtain...