I have burning rashes all over my face and neck and it is itching a lot. I’ve tried with popular brand lotions and all of them are in vain. I have consulted skin specialist also and he said this is not an allergic reaction. Can anyone give me some insight on this and what I coul...
After all, even sonographers sometimes get it wrong. This doesn't mean you can't enjoy having your own ideas and also have a bit of fun guessing with a few old wives' tales that may or may not turn out to be right, let’s face it, you have a 50 50 chance of getting it right...
You and BB Will Love These Nursing Dresses FYI, These Maternity Jeans Are Comfy AF Top 10 Best Nursing Bras for Your Every Need Umm, the Weirdest Pregnancy Food Cravings Ever Is It Safe to Use a Vibrator During Pregnancy? What Your Baby Kicking Feels Like ...
Although often in the feet and ankles, oedema – or simply put swelling in pregnancy – can often occur in the face, hands and arms too. If you suddenly notice your oedema getting worse, particularly in your face and hands, you should contact your midwife or doctor straight away, as this...
Week 15:The baby grows rapidly fifteen weeks into the pregnancy. The baby’s skeleton is developing bones, which can be seen on an ultrasound in a couple weeks. The scalp hair pattern is developing as well.2 Week 16:After sixteen weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s eyes now face forward and...
A study found that mimicry of the fetus reflects the changing face of his mother at the time when she laughs or cries. The ossification of the skeleton and the development of the muscular system continue. Hands have grown, so that the fetus can touch the head, and can scratch itself with...
1. Hair Growth Long and thick hair looks good on your head. But imagine if you have developed them on other areas like legs, upper lip, chin, back and around the nipples. They may look odd, but there is nothing to worry because they are some weird symptoms of pregnancy. ...
Melasma:Melasma, or also known as chloasma (mask of pregnancy), is a condition of having dark patches of skin on the face. Like linea nigra, this is an effect of the hormones on the skin's pigmentation. Melasma can also occur on other parts of the body such as the areola. Although ...
The mother's body continues to undergo numerous changes. Often, pregnant women appear to "glow." Although many women are truly suffused with the joy of pregnancy, the glow is often due to increased blood flow to the face. Many women also have a dark line running from their belly button ...
Hair growth.Pregnancy hormones can boost hair growth -- and not always where you want it. The hair on your head will become thicker. You may also be seeing hair in places you never had it before, including your face, arms, and back. Shaving and tweezing might not be the easiest options...