Wilson-Costello DFriedman HMinich NFanaroff AAHack M Improved survival rates with increased neurodevelopmental disability for extremely low birth weight infants in the 1990s. Pediatrics 2005;115 (4) 997- 1003PubMedGoogle Scholar 6. Alder JFink NBitzer JHösli IHolzgreve W Depression and anxiety...
Comorbidities were captured in the 2 years before the index birth and categorized into aggregated diagnosis groups (ADGs) on the basis of clinical similarity, degree of disability, chronicity, and need for specialty care using the Johns Hopkins ACG System, version 10; this system ascertains ...
Women who have children with different partners do not have greater risk of disability as might be expected to occur if the immune response to paternal genes was harmful (Basso et al., 2004). Of interest, recent findings suggested that pregnancy frequency lowers mortality in T1D (Sjöberg et...
(CP) and mental disability [94]. Kandleret al. reported that in the time span between 6 and 72 months (median 24 months) after delivery, 90% of children born from mothers with HELLP showed normal development or only minor disabilities. The mean gestational age was 33 weeks and the mean ...
Depression is the second leading cause of disability in women and is the most common morbidity in pregnancy [1, 2]. Left untreated, in-utero exposure to depression can lead to serious impacts on the child, including preterm birth, reduced birth weight, small head circumference and lower Apgar...