The Pregnancy Calculator can estimate a pregnancy schedule based on the provided due date, last period date, conception date, or IVF transfer date.
Estimated Due date Conception Date Baby Status (Size, Weight, Heartbeat) Due Dates for Multiples (Twins, Triplets, Quads) Trimester Stages Prenatal Testing Dates Timeline of Significant Milestones in Embryo/Fetal Development Imagine, Your Baby Will... ...
Want to know when your baby will arrive? Use our pregnancy calculator to work out how many weeks pregnant you are and the due date.
Calculate your pregnancy estimated due date (EDD), trimester dates based on last menstrual period or conception date. Generate pregnancy gestational and countdown to baby's EDD calendar, pregnancy weeks calendar, period start date after pregnancy.
If you get an ultrasound you may notice a “GA” on the image with a number of weeks and days. This figure is based on how the baby is measuring, not on your LMP, which the due date calculator uses. It’s normal for these dates to not match up perfectly.If there are significant ...
Stickies simplify using WhenMyBaby tools, by saving your key fertility cycle and pregnancy dates. Then, just click or tap to auto-stick your data into entry field(s). No selecting or typing, just quick results! If/when your cycle data changes, use this page to update. [more...] ...
The Pregnancy Due Dates Calculator Calculates pregnancy dates, forward from last period or backward from due date.
See forecasted pregnancy calendar, including daily and weekly gestational age, countdown to baby, trimester start dates. Generate your personalized pregnancy calendar based on last menstrual period (LMP), conception date or due date in several formats.
Early Pregnancy, Week-by-Week 1-2 Weeks Pregnant 3 Weeks Pregnant 4 Weeks Pregnant 5 Weeks Pregnant 6 Weeks Pregnant 7 Weeks Pregnant 8 Weeks Pregnant 9 Weeks Pregnant 10 Weeks Pregnant 11 Weeks Pregnant 12 Weeks Pregnant FAQs About Due Dates How many weeks is pregnancy? How can I know ...
“My first came on his due date; my second came a week late.”– Ninalynn05 While due dates are a good estimate, you may have to wait longer to meet your baby – or you may be surprised by an earlier-than-expected labor and birth. ...