What’s more, studies are finding there may also be a link between prolonged loud noise exposure and having a low birth weight baby.One studyfound that mothers who live near an airport and experience frequent loud aircraft noises have a 17% greater chance of having a low birth weight baby....
Whether loud noise is harmful to the developing embryo and fetus, and whether exposure to loud noise warrants removal of pregnant women from noisy environments remains unclear. This paper addresses the potential of loud noise on the developing human fetus. Four general areas of the topic are revie...
Migraines are also more common in smokers--yet one more reason to quit. Tension headaches, too, can occur under avoidable circumstances. Loud noises (like those at rock concerts), sleep deprivation, dehydration, and allergies can all produce headaches....
Some jobs can be hazardous to you and your baby. If you're routinely exposed to chemicals, loud noises, or radiation at work, or if you have to be on your feet constantly or lift heavy objects, talk to your provider about how to stay safe whileworking during pregnancy. Also, keep in...
I am sure. I found out that amniotic fluid tends to enhance and amplify lower toned noises, such as bass from a stereo. In the same time, it muffles and absorbs higher pitched noises. I hope you know the fact that prolonged exposure to loud noise proves damaging to a full-grown person...
Here we are, a handful of humans licking and petting each other to make noises and fluids come out. Pregnancy heightened this already primal experience—we all had to navigate around the obvious obstacle (my son in my protruding belly) and it forced us to communicate even more. My husband ...
Drink plenty of water as it can ease you from many symptoms occurring this week and can also prevent from pre-term labor. Light headedness or Headaches –It can happen due to lack of sleep, low blood sugar, cold/ congestion, stress, dehydration and triggers like loud noises, strong odors...
The baby is now developing specific sleep and activity patterns. You may even feel his reaction to loud noises. If you play music, you will feel his response, particularly to the metal instruments of an orchestra. The baby moves energetically. ...
The baby grows 33 cm long. The eyelids were fused up until this time. By week 24, the upper and lower eyelids separate, allowing the baby to open and close eyes. Week 25 Your baby can now respond to touch and sound. In fact, he/she may jerk or kick to loud noise. The baby also...
Light headedness orHeadaches–It may happen due to lack of sleep, low blood sugar, cold/congestion, stress, dehydration and triggers like loud noises, strong odors, excessive heat/cold, glaring lights, artificial sweeteners, etc.Follow healthy eating routineto get rid of headaches. ...