Maternal Morbidity and Mortality(Obstet Gynecol. 2023;141(6):1046–1048) Iron deficiency is the most common micronutrient deficiency in the world and affects more than half of pregnancies. Ferrous sulfate is an effective treatment for subsidizing iron intake and is readily available in many ...
Impact of Maternal Iron Deficiency and Anaemia on Pregnancy and its outcomes in a Nigerian Population In the present study the prevalence of iron deficiency and anaemia among pregnant women at = 25 (mean; 21.77 3.14 weeks) weeks gestation were 63.6% and 72... EI Ugwuja,EI Akubugwo,U. ...
Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia are prevalent among pregnant women. The extent to which iron deficiency affects maternal and neonatal health is uncertain. Existing data suggest that maternal iron deficiency anemia may be associated with adverse outcomes, including preterm delivery and higher ma...
A mother's iron deficiency early in pregnancy may have a profound and long-lasting effect on the brain development of the child, even if the lack of iron is not enough to cause severe anemia, according to a University of Rochester Medical Center study published in the scientific journalPLoS ...
Iron deficiency is still the world’s most common nutritional deficiency, and generally, iron deficiency anemia is the most prevalent form of anemia. The major risk groups for iron deficiency include women of childbearing age, pregnant women, and lactating postpartum women. There exist plenty of ...
Background: Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is relatively common in the third trimester of pregnancy, but causal associations with low birth weight and compromised neonatal iron status are difficult to establish in human populations. Objective: The objective was to determine the effects of diet-induced...
Iron deficiency anemia is not uncommon during pregnancy.铁的需求量在怀孕期远远高于非孕期,这是由于准妈妈的血液总量的增加以及为宝宝造血的需要。在中、晚孕期,健康孕妇每日须摄入30毫克铁,推荐通过富铁食物获取。如果发生缺铁性贫血,日摄入量应增至60至120毫克。 simpleasy 蔬海泛舟 14 Iron deficiency anemia...
We examined the prevalence of anaemia, iron deficiency, and inflammation during pregnancy and their associations with adverse pregnancy and infant outcomes in India. Three hundred and sixty-six women participating in a randomised trial of vitamin B12 sup
"This was much higher than I expected to see, which worries us because a woman who is iron-deficient in pregnancy is at higher risk for having an infant with iron deficiency," said faculty of land and food systems professor Dr. Crystal Karakochuk (she/her), the study's principal investig...
【K ywords Pregnancycomplications,hematologic;Anemia,iron-deficiency;Postpartumhemorrhage;Fetalgrowth retardation (JIntObstetGynecol,203,4:274-276 ·论著· 贫血是妊娠期最常见的合并症绝大多数为缺 铁性贫血 贫血在妊娠各期对母儿均可造成一定危