Most experts agree that airplane travel is safe before36 weeks of pregnancy. Even so, your health care provider may advise against flying in certain situations, such as if you have a high-risk pregnancy complication. Some airlines also have domestic and international flight restrictions for pregnant...
Still, you should check with your doctor about any travel plans and make sure the airline has no restrictions for pregnant people. Our best pregnancy tips for travel are as follows: On the plane, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Get up and walk around every half hour to reduce...
Next, we compared the bats’ flight performance and found that the pregnant bats flew at lower speeds and altitudes compared to the post-lactating females. There was a significant difference between the groups in both average and maximum speed, with the pregnant bats flying on average 0.3 m/s ...
If the pilots' complaints against Frontier Airlines weren't a big enough hint for needed change, a pair of flight attendants had joined in to file a federal complaint that accused the airline of discriminating against them and their colleagues. According to the flight attendants' complaints, Front...
For those in the know, it’s best to adhere to the dietary restrictions associated with pregnancy to make sure you and your baby stay healthy. Some foods to avoid include unpasteurized cheese, cured meats, undercooked eggs and raw fish. Try not to drink too much coffee or tea as well. ...
Administrative policyaeromedicalpregnancyPregnancy of air medical personnel poses a unique challenge for the administration of air medical services. Pregnant staff vary in their approach to individual pregnancy and their desire to continue flight duties. Administrators are limited to actions that ensure ...
Due to this unfortunate incident, restrictions on liquids being allowed to be carried by passengers took an immediate effect. However, over the years, this rule has been relaxed a little and airlines these days are usually flexible when having nursing mothers flying with them. Hot water in the...
“Pregnant women and newborns continue to die at unacceptably high rates worldwide, and the COVID-19 pandemic has created further setbacks to providing them with the healthcare they need,” said Dr Anshu Banerjee, Director of Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and Ageing at the Wor...
Prevalence of medical use was higher in states where that use is legal, but the researchers say the results suggest some doctors in other states may not feel bound by restrictions. More from CBS News
Before you book a flight, though, be sure to check with the carrier to see what restrictions they have forpregnant passengers; domestic and international carriers have different policies on how far along their pregnant passengers can be.