LOS after birth also decreased during the pandemic. There were no racial or ethnic differences in the relative changes in obstetric outcomes in the pandemic period compared with the prepandemic period. Taken together, our study raises concerns that the COVID-19 pandemic may have negatively affected...
During the recruitment period (01 March 2016–23 August 2017), urine samples were tested for ZIKV by RT-PCR from all women attending the high-risk pregnancy clinic at Jundiaí University Hospital and from the neonates after delivery. Of the 574 women evaluated, 44 (7.7%) were ZIKV RT-PCR ...
The outcomes of the emergency contraceptive treatment were recorded at a follow-up visit, and descriptive statistics were obtained. Results: The number of women treated with levonorgestrel at the clinic increased from 2011 to 2015, but there was no subsequent increase thereafter. Most women were in...
National Center for Health Statistics. https://www.cdc.gov/growthcharts/index.htm. Accessed 11 Mar 2024. Bazemore AW, Cottrell EK, Gold R, et al. “Community vital signs”: incorporating geocoded social determinants into electronic records to promote patient and population health. J Am Med Inf...
Prepartum, postpartum (before and after delivery), dystocia (difficult delivery) EXAMPLE: On an OB patient's chart you may see the abbreviations: gravida 3, para 2. This meansthree pregnancies, two live births. The OB patient, currently pregnant with her third baby, will become a Gravida ...
24. After adding these two factors, we found that advanced maternal age was a protective factor for preterm birth and neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission (For preterm birth, adjusted OR 0.61, 95% CI 0.42–0.88 in group 2; adjusted OR 0.60, 95% CI 0.42–0.87 in group 3; ...
Background:Most of the women who smoke before pregnancy continue smoking during pregnancy, and some start to quit smoking after being pregnant, although existing guidelines for pregnancy recommend that women who smoke should quit smoking before pregnancy. Findings about the timing and intensity of mate...
According to both retrospective and prospective studies, maternal asthma was an independent factor for risk of gestational diabetes, after adjustment for confounding factors, and was minimized by active treatment. The pathophysiology is unclear, but it is possible that maternal BMI, known risk factor ...
In view of the significantly higher risk of maternal mortality both during and after pregnancy in women with pulmonary arterial hypertension, pregnancy is strongly contraindicated (Class III Level B) [24]. The leading causes of death include heart failure, pulmonary embolism, cardiac arrest, uncontrol...
previous pregnancy, designed to establish whether calcium supplementation started before pregnancy and continued during the first half of pregnancy might reduce the subsequent development of pre-eclampsia and other adverse outcomes, despite high dose supplementation to both groups after 20 weeks' gestation....