Chemo- Relating to chemicals*Chemistry Chloro- Green*Chlorophyll Co- With*Collaborate Con, com Together*Combine Cyto- or -cyte Cell/cellular*Cytoplasm Di- Two/double*Dissect dis, dys, dif Apart/separate*Differ, dismiss, dyslexia ecto- Outside*Ectoplasm endo- In/into*Endoskeleton Equi- Equal*Equ...
Sare-Gerber老師 Quizlet上的頂尖創作者 · Chemistry Unit 4 - naming compounds 學生們也學習了 學習指南 Buddhism part 2 85個詞語 這個學習集的練習題 學習 1 / 7 IV 選擇正確的詞語 1 What is the prefix for 2? 2 What is the roman numeral for 4?
CHEM103: General Chemistry I: Module 3 Terms 老師92個詞語 samdisanti預覽 UNIT 1: Physics 60個詞語 banma-26預覽 Chemistry Quiz 1 Nomenclature 59個詞語 11SarCoo預覽 Chem Final: Chapter 12 39個詞語 jgezelle預覽 Practice Questions: DNA, RNA, Transcription, Translation Part 1 17個詞語 Hep082806預...