A prefix is a string of letters that are added to the beginning of aroot word, changing its meaning.Each prefix has a meaning (for example, un- means not, sub- means under mis- means wrong or badly). Suffixesare groups pf letters added to the end of a word. ...
This is a great worksheet set. It is neat to see how if you understand the meaning of the prefix and root word, it's easy to figure out the meaning of the completed word. Adding To Root Words We work on spelling. Students determine how to spell new words properly after introducing ...
D-400X-WS (SD) Worksheet for Amending a 2009 Individual 热度: Name: Classandperiod: Date: Prefix-SuffixPractice(1) WordPrefix/SuffixMeaning Directions:Useyourprefix-suffixlisttomakingmeaningofthefollowingwords. (1)Underlinetheprefix,CircletheSuffix.(2)Writeoutthemeaningofeachword. ...