这个kernel的 block_size = InputSize = sharedMemory size, 通过一个threadBlock完成scan,这个情况搜限制于blocksize的大小,一般是1024,所以在数据量不大的时候(即logN不大),这个算法比较快,可以考虑使用。 3. Prefix Sum并行算法二 4.2 CUDA Reduction 一步一步优化里面介绍的思路可以优化Prefix Sum算法.可以分成...
在上一篇文章 中我们讨论了CUDA中如何实现高效Reduction, 这次来讨论下一个经典问题,Prefix Sum, 也被称为Scan/Prefix Scan等。Scan 是非常多重要问题比如排序的子问题,所以基本是进阶必学问题之一。 问题定义 首先我们不严谨地定义这个问题,输入一个数组input[n], 计算新数组output[n], 使得对于任意元素output[i...
(int *data, int *prefix_sum, int N) { int *d_data, *d_prefix_sum; size_t arr_size = N * sizeof(int); cudaMalloc(&d_data, arr_size); cudaMalloc(&d_prefix_sum, arr_size); cudaMemcpy(d_data, data, arr_size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); int padding_N = next_power_of_two(...
39.4 Conclusion The scan operation is a simple and powerful parallel primitive with a broad range of applications. In this chapter we have explained an efficient implementation of scan using CUDA, which achieves a significant speedup compared to a sequential implementation on a fast CPU, and c...
InclusiveSum( d_temp_storage, temp_storage_bytes, m_scan, size); cudaMalloc(&d_temp_storage, temp_storage_bytes); cudaEvent_t start; cudaEvent_t stop; cudaEventCreate(&start); cudaEventCreate(&stop); float totalTime = 0.0f; for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= batchCount; ++i) { Init...
A nearly complete collection of prefix sum algorithms implemented in CUDA, D3D12, Unity and WGPU. Theoretically portable to all wave/warp/subgroup sizes. - GPUPrefixSums/GPUPrefixSumsCUDA/Utils.cuh at main · b0nes164/GPUPrefixSums
SOLUTIONS FOR OPTIMIZING THE DATA PARALLEL PREFIX SUM ALGORITHM USING THE COMPUTE UNIFIED DEVICE ARCHITECTURE In this paper, we analyze solutions for optimizing the data parallel prefix sum function using the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) that provides... I Lungu,DM Petroşanu,A Pîr...
将算法以C++11多线程环境实现并与CUDA计算对比,以及优化现在的算法避免bank confilct[4]等问题,进而取得更大的加速比。 参考文献 [1]:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prefix_sum [2]:http://www.enseignement.polytechnique.fr/profs/informatique/Eric.Goubault/Cours09/CUDA/SC07_CUDA_5_Optimization_Harris.pd...
网络前序累加求和 网络释义 1. 前序累加求和 (1≤i≤n )开始时存有数据di,所谓的前序累加求和(Prefix-Sum)指用 comic.sjtu.edu.cn|基于 1 个网页
prefixparallelsum前缀求和并行 April 2007 Parallel Prefix Sum (Scan) with CUDA Mark Harris mharris@nvidia April 2007 ii Document Change History Version Date Responsible Reason for Change February 14, 2007 Mark Harris Initial release Month 2007 1 Abstract Parallel prefix sum, also known as parallel ...