Explain the differences in the following prefixes: para/per. What is the the correct prefix for the term 'equal?' Define the prefix, Chondro-. Define the suffix, -cyte. State the root word for the following body part: abdomen ___ Define...
para- beside, near; abnormal intra- within anti- against a- no, not, without peri- surrounding, around par- abnormal pre- before, in front of poly- many, much, excessive, frequent sub- under, below dys- abnormal, difficult, painful, bad ...
What does the combining root angi/o mean in medical terminology? Define the following terms: word, root, combining vowel, combining form, prefix, and suffix. Explain the differences in the following prefixes: infra/ipsi. State the meaning of the following prefix: para. ...
医学英语术语(medical term) : 上述这些单词来源于希腊或拉丁词根,有特定的医学含义,我们将之统称为 -医学英语术语; 医学术语学(medical terminology) :将专门研究它的学问称为-医学术语学:an introduction to the language of veterinary and human medicine. 上述的医学术语有的人可能不认识,但下面的单词相信您是...
7.Gold MA,Tian C,Whitney CW,et al. Surgical versus radiographic determination of paraaortic lymph node metastases before chemoradiation for locally advanced cervical carcinoma:a Gynecologic Oncology Group Study. Cancer,2008,112(9):1954-1963.
State the meaning of the following prefix: para. What are the main directional terms used for medical descriptions? State the root word for the following body part: fingernail ___ What is the correct etymology of the word, "metazoa"? What is the correct medical term meaning 'slanting/incline...
The abbreviation for the medical term meaning "pertaining to above" is ... Explain the differences in the following prefixes: ecto/endo. Explain the differences in the following prefixes: para/per. Define the following term: "exacerbation". Define...