6..Thefullmeaningoftheprefix 1)al-means"complete,complete",alone,almost, 2)over-means"full,whole",overall,overflow(full) 3)pan-means"whole,total,tenthousand"Pan-American *7.prefixmeaningleavesaidseparation. 1)a-,ab-,abs-,whichmeans"separation,departure",away, ...
If the longest common prefix is simply the delimeter itself, the flag -d will control whether or not the delimeter is printed. This could be useful if the delimeter has special meaning as in the following example:$ lcpre -s "/" "/A/B/C" "/D/E/F" $ lcpre -d -s "/" "/A...
Root, Prefix or SuffixMeaningExamples a, ac, ad, af, ag, al, an, ap, as, atto, toward, near, in addition to, byaside, accompany, adjust, aggression, allocate, annihilate, affix, associate, attend, adverb a-, an-not, withoutapolitical, atheist, anarchy, anonymous, apathy, aphasia, an...
before vowelsorth-, word-forming element meaning "straight, upright, rectangular, regular; true, correct, proper," now mostly in scientific and technical compounds, from Greekorthos"straight, true, correct, regular," from PIE*eredh-"high" (source also of Sanskriturdhvah"high, lofty, steep,"...