under, below dys- abnormal, difficult, painful, bad endo- in, within epi- above, upon, on hypo- deficient, below, under, less than normal neo- new trans- across, through meta- beyond, change uni- one bi- two af- toward ipsi- ...
BASIC MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY 2 (Prefix) Medical Terminology: Words used in medicine are comprised of one or more parts called: Prefix: part of the word which comes before the stem. Stem: gives basic meaning to the word. Suffix: part of the word which comes after the stem . Stem: 1. osteo...
Allied Health Medical Terminology Quiz 20個詞語 SadieF_1235預覽 Chapter 5 117個詞語 dlbyates預覽 Med. Terms List 2 31個詞語 addison_edwards_預覽 本學習集中的詞語(11) homeo unchanging, the same, steady hyper beyond, extensive hypo under, below in in, inside inter between, among intra within...
a combining form meaning“body,” used in the formation of compound words: somatotonia. Also especially before a vowel, somat-. What does physio mean in medical terminology? , physi- Combining forms meaningphysical, physiologic; natural, relating to physics. [G. Prefix not...
Terminology 2 1.Introduction Medicalandpharmaceuticalterminologyis aspecialvocabularyusedbyhealthcare professionalsforeffectiveandaccurate communication.Studyingthesetermsisvery similartolearninganewlanguage.Thisis becausemostmedicalandpharmaceutical termsstemfromGreekorLatinorigins. ...
12. Miyauchi A,Kudo T,Miya A,et al.Prognostic impact of serum thyroglobulin doubling-time under thyrotropin suppression in patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma who underwent total thyroidectomy.Thyroid,2011,21(7):707-716. 13. Robenshtok E,Fish S,Bach A,et al.Suspicious cervical lymph nodes...