解释“error prefer default export on a file with single export”错误的含义 该错误是由ESLint工具产生的,它表明在一个只包含一个导出的文件中,ESLint配置(可能是.eslintrc文件或相关配置)更倾向于使用默认导出(export default)而不是命名导出(如export const、export function等)。 识别造成该错误的常见原因 ES...
项目中导出一个对象时 ESLint 报红,提示:Prefer default export on a file with single export。 错误信息表示有一个只包含单个导出的文件,并且 ESLint 建议您使用默认导出而不是具名导出。 以下是使用具名导出的示例: 代码语言:javascript 复制 // my-module.jsexportfunctionmyFunction(){// ...} 以下是使用...
如果只导出一个东西的话。你还不用default那么import的时候还要多加一层解构。不好看。而且效率不好 ...
I noticed that the prefer-default-export rule only triggers when there is a single named export in a file. I would like for it to trigger for any file that doesn't have a default export: whether it has multiple named exports, a single na...
A step-by-step guide on how to resolve the ESLint "Prefer default export import/prefer-default-export" warning.
嗨,我很难理解/让这个 eslint 错误随着我的 React 项目消失。 Prefer default export import/prefer-default-export Helpers.js 错误指向: {代码...} 函数导入: import { getItems } from '../helpers/helpers...
Description This PR removes prefer default export eslint rule since it's being consistently avoided with ignores. It's more future-proof since our files tend to grow more than only one exported var...
I would like to suggest we stick withimport/prefer-default-exportfor.vuefiles. I can't think of a good reason to export more than one thing from a single file component. As an intermediate solution, theno-default-exportcould simply be a warning, so there would be no nudge toward a defa...
I have a single domain, global environment, where there are mixed settings present with some systems configured for NT5DS, and others for time.windows.com over NTP. The goal is to have the PDC emulator use NTP and sync with an internet time source, have all other DC's sync to the...
Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ /* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */ /** Disables scrolling on the body element with overflow:hidden. */ export const disableScroll = () => { document.body.style.overflow = 'hidden' 0 comments on...