I saw, for example, that the National Institute of Mental Health had no information available about mental health, indicators of mental health, or how to develop mental health. The entire focus of the NIMH was (and still is) to research causes and treatments of mental illnesses.[2] To help...
Hardy'spoems,forexample,formeatleast,yieldtheirgnarledsweetnessonlywhentheyarequestionedonebyoneindetail.Eachquestionleadstoothers,onebehindtheothers,likethosereflectionsofhisancestorsthespeakerinHardy's"ThePedigree"seesinthemirror,"dwindlingbackwardeachpasteach.../ Generationandgenerationofmymien,andbuild,andbrow...
For example, the citation of the somewhat caustic comments of Eiffel, whose project of the floating dome had been discarded (it was carried out at Nice).Paul Couteau
For example, words in menus or dialog boxes appear in the text like this. Here is an example: "To create the app service, right-click the project you created and select Publish from the menu."Warnings or important notes appear like this. ...
If, for example, a client became employed after discharge and began to report that he or she was feeling much better, this mayor may not have been related to discharge or to another treatment setting. If there are correlations between factors, such as type of treat-ment program or place ...
This chapter contains a brief introduction to Business Process Management Notation (BPMN). It also contains a description of the Sales Quote example project. Section 3, " Introduction to Oracle Business Process Composer" This chapter contains a general introduction to Oracle Business Process Composer....
For example: 802.11n: A Survival Guide, by Matthew S. Gast (O’Reilly). Copyright 2012 Matthew Gast, ISBN 978-1-449-31204-6. If you feel your use of code examples falls outside fair use or the permission given here, feel free to contact us at permissions@oreilly.com. Safari® ...
We learned most of what we know from pairing with people, writing code with them, and learning by doing, and we’d like to re-create that experience as much as possible for you in this book. As a result, we’ve structured the book around a single example project (although we do ...
. For example, the volume of a cylinder (V) can be computed by determining its diameter (D) and length (L); that is V(D, L). These two length measurements have errors associated with them and these errors will propagate into the computed volume. A technique for estimating how errors ...
Chapter 1, Getting Started with WaveMaker, covers setting up WaveMaker and the example project workspace. It also explores an example application from a user's perspective. Chapter 2, Digging into the Architecture, explains the application architecture, covering the client, server, and communication...