2009. Mechloreth- amine, procarbazine and prednisone for the treatment of resistant lymphoma in dogs. Vet Comp Oncol. 7:38A44.Northrup NC, Gieger TL, Kosarek CE, et al. Mechlorethamine, procarbazine and prednisone for the treatment of resistant lymphoma in dogs. Vet Comp Oncol 2009;7(1):...
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The antitumor dosage ofprednisoneis 2 mg/kg given once daily by mouth or by infection. This dosage is gradually reduced and the drug eventually is discontinued when it is used in combination protocols.65,135Prednisone hasantitumor activityagainst lymphoma,mast cell tumors, andplasma cell tumors.65...
The present study did not evidence any significant difference for OMBT after prednisone therapy in both groups. This data corroborates the findings of Mackin et al. who studied healthy dogs, and Eberle and Mischke, who measured the capillary bleeding time in the toe of dogs with lymphoma, sin...
an analog of cortisone, C21H26O5, used in tablet form chiefly for treating allergies, autoimmune diseases, and certain cancers. [1950–55;pre(gna)d(ie)n(e), a component of its chemical name + (cort)isone] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd...
Fahey CE, Milner RJ, Barabas K, Lurie D, Kow K, Parfitt S, Lyles S, Clemente M (2011) "Evaluation of the University of Florida lomustine, vincristine, procarbazine and prednisone chemotherapy protocol for the treatment or relapsed lymphoma in dogs: 33 cases (2003-2009)" Journal of the ...
Methods: Data were collected from 6 previous retrospective or prospective studies in 187 dogs with multicentric lymphoma that received 1st‐line CHOP chemotherapy and then received either lomustine (CCNU), L‐asparaginase and prednisone (LAP), or rabacfosadine (RAB, Tanovea), with or witho...
In in vivo and clinical studies, association of chemotherapeutic agents to LDE decreased their toxicity and increased pharmacological action. Here, safety of LDE as carmustine carrier (50 mg m鈭 2, intravenous) combined with vincristine and prednisone for the treatment of dogs with lymphoma was ...
Multi‐agent chemotherapy successfully induces remission in most nave, high‐grade canine lymphoma patients; however, disease recurrence is common. MOPP (mechlorethamine, vincristine, procarbazine, and prednisone) is an effective rescue protocol used to re‐induce remission, but is associated with ...
Prednisoneis widely used for management of lymphoid malignancies,mast cell tumors, and brain tumors in dogs and cats. Dogs are often dosed at 2 mg/kg (or 40 mg/m2) PO daily at the beginning of multiagent protocols for lymphoma and are weaned off the drug over 3 to 4 weeks. Cats are...