In this project I implemented two machine learning algorithms to predicts the outcome of a League of Legends game. - reneleogp/ML-Prediction-LoL
You can also list your projects on the Community Project page. License Apache PredictionIO is under Apache 2 license. About PredictionIO, a machine learning server for developers and ML engineers. Topics scala big-data predictionio Resources Readme License Apache-2.0 ...
Frequency of Work Zone Accidents on Construction Projects, s.l.: s.n. Google Scholar Sarasua et al., 2004 W.A. Sarasua, et al. Evaluation of interstate highway capacity for short-term work zone lane closures Transp. Res. Rec., 1877 (1) (2004), pp. 85-94 Google Scholar Srinivasan ...
conceived the initial idea for the projects. S.F. processed the dataset and trained the model. Y.N. developed the theoretical results and drafted the initial manuscript. X.H. and Y.N. analysed the results and created the illustrations and data visualizations. S.F. and Y.S. carried out ...
RQ3: How does the performances of the single-inducer ensemble models and baseline ML models vary with the context of with-in-project defect prediction? 1.2.1. Research findings Based on the empirical analysis conducted on the above research questions on 43 projects, it is observed that the pre...
In this particular dataset we use TravisTorrent as the source of CI data. TravisTorrent synthesizes commit level information from the Travis CI server and GitHub open-source projects repositories. We extend this data to a file change level and calculate the software process metrics that may be ...
we also used our model to investigate the impact of counterfactual treatments on individual patients (note that a counterfactual treatment is an alternative treatment strategy than the one actually received by the patient; a counterfactual prediction projects what would have happened if the patient had...
Predicting replicability -- analysis of survey and prediction market data from large-scale forecasting projects The reproducibility of published research has become an important topic in science policy. A number of large-scale replication projects have been conducted... M Gordon,D Viganola,A Dreber,...
pip install git+ If you want to use YOLO-World, you will also need to install the ultralytics library: pip install -U ultralytics Usage All of the operators in this plugin can be run in delegated execution mode. This means that instead of...
stanfordmlgroup/ngboost master 26Branches 22Tags Code Folders and files Name Last commit message Last commit date Latest commit ryan-wolbeck Makefile updates (#348) Feb 21, 2024 38c2245·Feb 21, 2024 History 706 Commits .github Add support for python 3.12, drop python 3.8 (#346)...