美 英 un.预测区间 网络预测层;预估区间;预言距离 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 预测区间 例句
沪江词库精选prediction interval是什么意思、英语单词推荐 预测数的变化范围 相似短语 prediction interval 预测数的变化范围 interval prediction 区间预测 at interval 不时;相隔一定的距离 climate prediction 气候预报 earthquake prediction 地震预报 tide prediction 潮位预报,潮汐推算,潮汐预报 economic ...
计算prediction interval(预测区间) 範例14.6 ρ的t-檢定與範例16.4 中?1 的t-檢定產生相同的結果。 14.* 計算 第14章 簡單線性迴歸和相關分析 第427頁 使用迴歸方程式 使用迴歸方程式,我們得到: 估計一輛哩程表讀數有40 ( 千) 哩車齡3 年的Toyota Camry 之售價 我們稱此數值為點預測(point prediction) 並...
www.docin.com|基于20个网页 3. 残差因变量的预测区间 曲线回归分析 ... “Predicted values” 预测值。因变量的预测值。 “Prediction intervals” 残差因变量的预测区间。 ... zhibao.swu.edu.cn|基于3个网页 更多释义您要找的是不是 prediction interval production intervals predicting interval prediction ...
1)Prediction interval预测区间 1.With concrete energy as dependent variable and four chemistry contents as independent variables,the regression equation is established and the prediction interval result is achieved,which testified the using of regression analysis method in concrete inner energy prediction.为...
将“prediction interval"翻译成中文 預期區間是将“prediction interval"翻译成 中文。 译文示例:However, Bayesian mixed-effects models produced wider prediction intervals for both data sets. ↔ 然而,贝叶斯混合效应模型对两个数据集生成的预测区间都更宽。
在茆诗松《概率论与数理统计》看到的。confidence 是对均值做区间估计;prediction是对随机变量做区间预测...
prediction interval 预测数的变化范围 interval prediction 区间预测 at interval 不时;相隔一定的距离 climate prediction 气候预报 earthquake prediction 地震预报 tide prediction 潮位预报,潮汐推算,潮汐预报 economic prediction 【经】 经济预报 oceanic prediction 海况预报,海况预测 pollution prediction 污染...
A prediction interval is a range of values that estimates the potential range of outcomes for a predicted value, taking into account the variability of the prediction. It provides a measure of uncertainty and allows for the determination of a range within which the actual value is likely to fal...
prediction interval, you will have a much narrower interval. For example, the prediction interval might be $2,500 to $7,500 at the same confidence level. If you do use the confidence interval, it’s highly likely that interval will have more error, meaning that values will fall outside ...