The present study examined the influence of organic clothing product involvement, consumption involvement, organic clothing knowledge, perceived product availability, and materialism on Indian consumers' decision to purchase organic clothing. The study adopted a mix of convenience and random sampling for ...
The purpose of the interval and variable selection is to optimize the predictive power of PLS regression models and aid in interpretation (Norgaard et al., 2000). The main advantage of the approach is the graphical tools used, which help to focus on a choice of better sub-intervals and ...
1, to predict the solubility of liquid/solid nonelectrolytes (mostly industrial organic chemicals) in water [23, 30,31,32,33,34,35]. The thermodynamic basis of the equation posits that the dissolution of a crystalline substance in water comprises two main contributions: (a) crystal lattice ...
The workflow includes dataset preparation and training of reaction and retrosynthesis prediction models, respectively. The training dataset was generated based on the publicly available USPTO reaction dataset27,28 which contains chemical reactions of organic compounds extracted from US patents issued between ...
Managing the nutritional status of strawberry plants is critical for optimizing yield. This study evaluated the potential of hyperspectral imaging (400R
geographical features. The coordinates of the measurement sites were determined by GPS, the cohort addresses have been geocoded based on cadastral data of the NRW land surveying office. A geographical database contained the main road network in the GauX-Kruger坐标系作为空间参考使用了为地理特点。
Predicting the Emission Rate of Volatile and Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds from Building Materials and Consumer Products- a ReviewLittle, J CXu, Y
Justification for large attribute set The main goal of our technique is to accelerate the creation of machine learning models by reducing or eliminating the need to develop a set of attributes for a particular problem. Our approach was to create a large attribute set, with the idea that it ...
Tomato is an important commercial product which is perishable by nature and highly susceptible to fungal incidence once it is harvested. Not all tomatoes are equally vulnerable to pathogenic fungi, and an early detection of the vulnerable ones can help i
Gas sensors, usually called an "electronic nose," have been widely used for detecting and determining the quality of microorganisms in food15–17. As is generally known, micro- organisms produce many different kinds of volatile compounds (microbial volatile organic compounds, or MVOCs)18. MVOCs ...