Reading instruction Instructional factors predicting student outcomes for fourth-grade struggling readers THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Jeanne Wanzek KentShawnWithin RTI models, Tier 1 instruction represents an important foundation for the prevention and remediation of reading difficulties, but has largely been...
Students’ perceptions of the value of a task also have been found to predict reliably their intentions and actual decisions to take more courses in specific subjects and to complete activities related to those subjects (e.g., Eccles, 2005, Wigfield et al., 2017). Most expectancy-value ...
The application of natural deep eutectic solvents (NADES) in the pharmaceutical, agricultural, and food industries represents one of the fastest growing fields of green chemistry, as these mixtures can potentially replace traditional organic solvents. Th
This study utilizes the 2015 data from the Hong Kong sample of the Program for International Student Assessment to examine the relative importance of various factors on the science learning performance of Hong Kong students. Using hierarchical linear modeling (HLM), we examined the effect of students...
关键词: Statistics Industrial engineering Higher education An integrated multiple statistical technique for predicting post-secondary educational degree outcomes based primarily on variables available in the 8th grade UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH Harvey Wolfe Nicholls Gillian M ...
Altogether, 871 IgAN patients were classified into three groups using the new Oxford classification system (O-grade) that utilised the total MEST-C score (O-grade I: 0–1, II: 2–4, and III: 5–7 points), and the 10-year renal prognosis was analysed. The clinical findings became ...
We investigated the performance of machine learning models trained to estimate HRV from HR and step count based on 201 hours of data from 14 participants undertaking normal university weekday activities. We found that highest-stress times (HRV below 10th percentile for that individual) can be pred...
Because mastery and performance goals represent different ways of thinking about competence, theorists argue that these goals will create a framework for how individuals approach, experience, and react to achievement activities (e.g., Dweck and Leggett, 1988, Nicholls, 1984). In general, this ...
OM2 Scopus Predicting Academic Performance through Data Mining: A Systematic Literature [44]. 2022 OM3 Scopus Exploring Online Activities to Predict the Final Grade of Student [45]. 2022 OM4 Scopus Development of a Model Using Data Mining Technique to Test, Predict and Obtain Knowledge from the...
NR3C2 and CSF2 are correlated with macrophage polarization and activation49,50. Some genes might be implicated in immunomodulatory activities, such as PLAUR51, PLXNB352, AMH53, KL54, and SEMA3G55. A previous study obtained data from the TCGA database and established a model based on 14 IR...