Line numbers on the left-hand side are not part of the code and are for ease of interpretation. The code presented in Fig. 4.2 encompasses the definition of the prior distributions for all model parameters and the model itself (in terms of random variables); the actual observed data values...
3). Although we do not plot raw energy values (kJ/mol) here, we argue that OpenMM-Loss is an appropriate substitution because it monotonically increases with energy and simplifies the interpretation of extreme values. lDDTAA, an all-atom accuracy metric, is not significantly different (p = ...
Ras is a plasma membrane (PM)-associated signaling hub protein that interacts with its partners (effectors) in a mutually exclusive fashion. We have shown earlier that competition for binding and hence the occurrence of specific binding events at a hub p
d Bar plot showing the average rate of HNF4α stained nuclei. The error bar is s.d. Dots represent the individual data. The data were collected from four different fields of a culture well in two biological replicates. e Immunocytochemistry for AFP. The scale bar is 50 μm. f A ...
Although we ran a model with multiple predictors, it can help interpretation to plot thepredicted probabilitythatvs=1 against each predictor separately. So first we fit aglmfor onlyone of our predictors,wt. model_weight <- glm(vs ~ wt,data=mtcars,family=binomial) ...
This issue of casual interpretation is no different from casually interpreting dydx() as if it represents the response to a unit change. It is not necessarily true that dydx() = 0.5 means that " increases by 0.5 if increases by 1". It is true that " increases with at a rate such ...
200 AF-v1 predicted structures with no corresponding entries in the solved structures PDB database. (a)Rsvs.M, log–log scale. (b) [η] vs.M, log–log scale. (c) [η] vs. % decreasing mean confidence level, log-lin scale. (d) A 3D plot whereM(log scale) is on the vertical...
Thus, at least the overall ~10% uncertainty range accompanying assumption of either internal or external mixtures reported here is likely relevant for NCCN prediction in other regions as well and can provide some guidance for interpretation of model results. And for prediction of NCCN for an ...