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Mather ME, Dettmers JM (2022) Adaptive problem maps (APM): connecting data dots to build increasingly informed and defensible environmental conservation decisions. J Environ Manage 312:114826. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.114826 Article PubMed Google Scholar Moyle PB, Light T (1996)...
Recent years have seen renewed policy interest in urban cycling due to the negative impacts of motorized traffic, obesity and emissions. Simulating bicycle mode share and flows can help decide where to build new infrastructure for maximum impact, though modelling budgets are limited. The four step ...
Integrins, a family of transmembrane glycoprotein receptor, are comprised of two noncovalently associated subunits, α and β, and play essential role in tissue organization, immune responses, leukocyte traffic and cell development by linking the extracellular matrix to intracellular signaling pathway1. A...
Google Maps Reitz High School They don't call it "Reitz Hill" for nothing. The campus features a nice, steep hill in the back that levels off onto the practice football field, and of course there's the front of the school you can see driving along Ray Becker Parkway. Of the two, I...
A 30% increase in website traffic was recorded in 2020 (versus 2019). RCSB PDB student mentoring moved online for two summers with a focus on SARS-CoV-2 proteases (Lubin et al., 2022#, 2023#; Burley et al., 2020#). All RCSB PDB resources are accessible via https://www.rcsb.org/...
These data are obtained from the designated power provider or via Google Map using elevation finder. Upon obtaining the elevation data at each affected major electrical asset, it can then be overlaid on the inundation maps where the submerged water depth is calculated. Results and discussion ...
Plastids are morphologically and functionally diverse organelles that are dependent on nuclear-encoded, plastid-targeted proteins for all biochemical and regulatory functions. However, how plastid proteomes vary temporally, spatially, and taxonomically h
Picosecond laser pulses have been used as a surface colouring technique for noble metals, where the colours result from plasmonic resonances in the metallic nanoparticles created and redeposited on the surface by ablation and deposition processes. This t
The alphaherpesvirus UL37 tegument protein is a highly conserved, multi-functional protein. Mutagenesis analysis delineated the UL37 domains necessary for retrograde transport and viral replication. Specifically, the amino-terminal 480 amino acids are di