Summer high temperature extremes over Northeastern China predicted by spring soil moistureCurrent seasonal climate predictions mainly reside in the ocean anomalies. However, the prediction skills are generally limited over many extra-tropical land areas where the oceanic effects are relatively weak. In ...
A remarkable increase in temperature (0.4 °C/decade) and moderate changes in precipitation, with a wetting trend in spring and a drying trend in summer, are expected in future in Central Asia [50]. Although the future forecasts for both studied species are similar, their responses to predict...
{Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg}, series = {Arbete och Hlsa}, title = {The Predicted Heat Strain Model (ISO7933) Severely Over- or Underestimated Core and Skin Temperature in Protective and Light Summer Clothing}, volume = {45}, year = {...
High-elevation tree growth in both regions is predominantly controlled by summer temperature conditions. Individual trees at all sites can reach ages of up to 1000 years. The abundance of dead wood in the Altai and Pyrenees is indicative of remote locations with little to no modification by ...
This paper tests a novel workflow using the Ladybug Tools that uses CFD for outdoor temperature and comfort simulation of courtyards and is suitable for the early stage of building design, comparing the results with monitored data and simulated data from ENVI-met. Results show high accuracy in ...
Thanks to the high average annual temperature and humidity, the tropical humid climates clearly offer ideal conditions for the growth of stone colonizers. The research questions of this research are the following: (i) Will climate change favor or reduce the growth of Rhodotorula sp. on limestone ...
For soil moisture, the area was divided into height sectors, and for each sector, the average value of the antecedent soil moisture was estimated from the Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES) [81], which is initialized and running within the 1.5 km-CPM and the 12 km-RCM; it is ...
For a typical summer season day, the PMV index values ranged from −0.6 to 0.6, with an average value of 0.06 with the proposed control system. This control system obtained 39.5% of energy savings. The authors in [27] presented a PMV-based control using a mean radiant temperature ...
For most parcels, we achieved the precision of predicting the mowing date within one or two days. In the case of three parcels, our knowledge was limited to the occurrence of mowing events during the summer period. In total, this dataset encompasses 55 distinct parcels, and Table 3 provides...