participants per group allowed us to detect a difference of 0.044 for recognition probability at 0.80 with a type I error rate of 5% and power 80% (for further details on statistical power calculations see supplementary material). Statistical analysis The data was analysed bygeneralized linear model...
In Equation (10.23), varg−1Lˆij is the approximate for the variance of the predicted probability Pˆij for large samples. Given that the logit function is the ratio of two odds, the computation of the partial derivative in Equation (10.23) can be based on a basic formula in calculu...
For my tipping predictions, I chose the outcome with the highest probability. If the winning probabilities for both teams were within 0.05 of each other, I interpreted this as a draw. For goal predictions, I selected the most likely number of goals for each team, adjusting the numbers as ne...
65 estimated this probability to be less than 2% for a set of 29 mammals. In our sequence alignment, the number of species is double the count in Lindblad-Toh et al.65, so the completely conserved positions will occur with even lower probability. We estimated this probability by computer ...
(p < 0.05 = significance). Univariate/multiple logistic regression models were fitted independently to estimate a probability of (i) emergency CD (vs. scheduled CD) and (ii) antenatal bleeding (“yes, bleeding” vs. “no bleeding”) based on independent variables or a combination ...
Odds ratio analysis for the groups defined by predicted PD probability in the Thessaly sample set.Yonghong, LiCharles, RowlandGeorgia, XiromerisiouRobert, J. LagierSteven, J. SchrodiEfthimios, DradiotisDavid, RossNam, BuiJoseph, Catanese
Purpose We determined the yield of standard vs limited pelvic lymphadenectomy in patients with a predicted risk of lymph node metastasis greater than 1% according to the Partin tables predicted probability of pathological stage. We also determined the feasibility of laparoscopic standard pelvic lymph ...
Voxels were assigned to the tissue class for which their probability was maximal. If neither WhM nor GM probability exceeded 20%, the voxel was excluded from analysis. Only voxels within the GM mask were considered for analyses. Whole-brain linear regression models as implemented in SPM8 were ...
Follow-up of matched extreme group individuals (鈮 1 vs. 鈮 3 risks) unexpectedly revealed that high-risk subjects had >5 times greater probability of forensic hospitalization. In line with longstanding sociological theories, we hypothesized that risk accumulation before adulthood induces violent ...
Predictions were expressed as probability of LFS (predict function, type = "fitted"). ROC curves were produced using the ROCit package. The favored model was described visually using a nomogram and its potential utility was evaluated by decision curve analysis (rmda package) [38]. p < 0.05 ...