Labour's victory was a surprise to no one - but the shockwaves of some results rippled through election night. There were shock exits, surprise victories and records broken. Here we look at some of the unexpected results to come out of the election. Liz Truss loses ...
The chapter relied on published results of investigative researches conducted on both predicted and actual outcome of 2015 Presidential election result by both The Nation and Kimberly & Associates, using descriptive statistics. Findings revealed that the level of accuracy of The Nation newspaper’s non...
Predicting the behaviour of large groups is inherent to such diverse processes as forecasting election results, anticipating the reception to upcoming films, and foreseeing the effects of changes to laws or policies. Meanwhile, the prediction of individual behaviour is a pillar of neuroscience, with ...
A Triumph for the Nation: The Doom Sayers Who Predicted That Last Month's (March) General and Presidential Elections Would End in Disaster Have Been Proved Wrong. the Country's Citizens, Who Turned out in Record Numbers to Vote, and the Business Community, Which Had Been Holding Its Brea...
Although "Electioneering" just works as a word (sounds like British slang for the come-up), the song actually refers to Tony Blair and the New Labour Party winning the United Kingdom's 1997 general election. That said, Radiohead's main point of politics always sucking is especially relevant...
“there is no such general agreement now.” in the netherlands, the vote for parliament is directly representational, with dozens of political parties vying for the popular vote. (parties create coalitions to get a majority in parliament after the election.) so kapteyn's countrywide panel poll ...