python3 tools/ -c rec_chinese_common_train_v2.0.yml -o Global.pretrained_model=./output/rec_chinese_common_v2.0/best_accuracy Global.save_inference_dir=./myModels/rec_5w_infer/ predict_rec识别非新增的字符,也正常 aistudio@jupyter-1927690-3436148:~/PaddleOCR$ python tools/infer...
predict_time += elapse for rno in range(len(rec_idx_lod) - 1): beg = rec_idx_lod[rno] end = rec_idx_lod[rno + 1] rec_idx_tmp = rec_idx_batch[beg:end, 0] preds_text = self.char_ops.decode(rec_idx_tmp) beg = predict_lod[rno] end = predict_lod[rno + ...
Angiogenesis does not predict clinical response to doxorubicin monotherapy in patients with locally advanced breast cancer A. Angiogenesis does not predict clinical response to doxorubicin monotherapy in patients with locally advanced breast cancer. Int. J. Cancer, 74: 138 -... T Paulsen,T Aas,AL ...
Mathematical modelsScoresRecurrenceOverall survivalMathematical models may help clinicians in decision making (adjuvant therapies, CDK4/6i, genomic test's gray zones). CTS5 has the higher prognostic accuracy in predicting recurrence, while score predicting OS did not show substantial advances, proving ...
Cyclosporine A monitoring by radioimmunoassay (RIA) and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) after liver transplantation: influence of route of ad... In this article, we show how scheduling problems can be modelled in untimed process algebra, by using special tick actions. A minimal-cost ...
An abstract is unavailable.doi:10.1097/00003246-200412001-00348Chalfin, DonaldDanis, MRapoport, JLevy, M MKatz, L MSiegartel, L RBergemann, RStern, L SDoyle, J JCritical Care Medicine
The introduction of deep learning in both imaging and genomics has significantly advanced the analysis of biomedical data. For complex diseases such as cancer, different data modalities may reveal different disease characteristics, and the integration of
undefined more undefined Effects of physical training over myocardial perfusion, systolic function and stress treadmill variables: FJ Roldan, E Alexanderson, A Ovando, MF Marquez, D Victoria. Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia “Ignacio Chavez”, Mexico City, Mexico Journal of Nuclear Cardiology, Volume...
Personality and social environment predict cognitive performance in common marmosets ( Abstract Consistent inter-individual variation in cognition has been increasingly explored in recent years in terms of its patterns, causes and consequences. One of its possible causes are consistent inter-individual ...
Study: Weather Forecasting Science Can Help Predict Flu Outbreaks (Posted 2012-11-30 18:51:49) ; Weather Prediction Systems Received Much Acclaim for Pegging Superstorm Sandy's Approximate Landfall Location and Intensity Days Ahead of Time. A New Study Finds the Same Technology That Has Led to...