adjective predicate. bad arm {bad:predicate adjective?} he was partially 'inebriated' [predicate adjective?] Hyphens in compound adjective used as predicate linking verb,predicate adjective/nominative Predicate / adjective phrase Predicate adjective or predicate complement ...
One last thing to know is that linking verbs may not always use a predicate adjective. Predicate adjectives are one possible part of speech that can function as asubject complement.Predicate nominatives, which act as nouns, can also function as subject complements. You can see this difference i...
The predicate complement completes the meaning expressed by the subject and predicate (verb) with one of the following: an adjective that describes the quality or characteristic of the subject noun; "predicate adjective". a noun that specifies or identifies the subject noun "predicate nominative". ...
1 Is The Simple Predicate (Verb) Sinking Or Colliding? 0 "Subject" and "predicate" in sentences starting with "there"? 0 Is the type of subject complement a predicate nominative? 0 What are the three kinds of predicate argument?Hot Network Questions Area denial organism for pre-industrial ...
Since the subject moves out of vP, can an LPIC be derived by raising of the whole vP to SpecStP? I rule out this possibility, considering that if vP is the complement of St, the movement is too short, violating the anti-locality constraint (e.g., Grohmann2002). Empirically, predicate...
Since the subject is plural, should the the predicate nominative mystery be also plural? And would the meaning still be the same? As in All people are mysteries. How about the following? All people are a phenomenon. All people are phenomena. singular-vs-plural Share Improve this question Fol...
Why nominative and accusative differ in this respect is some- thing I intend to address in future work.31 12 Conclusion We have argued for a new approach to VR and VPR that involves base-generation. The VPR complement is taken to be in its base-position, which explains the transparency ...