R. Va´zquez, H. M. Becerra, and D. Go´mez- Gutie´rrez, "Predefined-time consensus using a time base gen- erator (TBG)," in Proceedings of the IFAC Second Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control of Nonlinear Systems (MICNON), vol. 51, pp. 246-253, 2018....
This paper focuses on the predefined-time consensus of stochastic multi-agent systems (SMAS) under a connected and undirected graph. A novel stochastic predefined-time consensus protocol is proposed, which enables the SMAS to achieve the predefined-time consensus. Furthermore, we have validated the ...
Zuo. Bipartite consensus tracking for second-order multiagent systems: A time-varying function-based preset-time approach. IEEE Trans. Automatic Control , 2020 , 66(6): 2739 -2745 Google Scholar [15] B. Zhou and Y. Shi. Prescribed-time stabilization of a class of nonlinear systems by...
Learn more about this topic: False Consensus Effect | Definition, Factors & Examples from Chapter 6 / Lesson 20 109K Explore the false consensus effect. Learn the definition of the false consensus effect and understand the factors that influence it. ...
Stability and Robustness Analysis of Finite-Time Consensus Algorithm for Second-Order Multiagent Systems Under Sampled-Data Control. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Syst. 2022, 1–8. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Du, H.; Jiang, C.; Wen, G.; Zhu, W.; Cheng, Y. Current sharing control ...
Predefined-Time Consensus Tracking of Second-Order Multiagent Systems. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Syst. 2021, 51, 2550–2560. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Cui, G.; Xu, H.; Xu, S.; Gu, J. Predefined-Time Adaptive Fuzzy Bipartite Consensus Control for Multiquadrotors Under Malicious ...
Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History19 Commits FASconCAT-G_v1.06.1.pl FASconCAT_Manual_2021.pdf README.md Repository files navigation README FASconCAT-G FASconCAT-G is written on Linux and runs on Windows PCs, Mac OS and Linux operating systems. The program can be started...
This paper investigates the problem of predefined-time consensus control for NMASs with input quantization and actuator faults. Notably, the study takes into account scenarios where each actuator may experience an infinite number of faults. In conjunction with practical predefined-time stability theory,...
This paper presents new classes of consensus protocols with fixed-time convergence, which enable the definition of an upper bound for consensus state as a parameter of the consensus protocol, ensuring its independence from the initial condition of the nodes. We demonstrate that our methodology ...
The current fixed time design cannot meet the requirement for rapidity. The design to meet this requirement must be such that the settling time can be given in advance, that is, the so-called predefined-time design. This paper deals with the predefined-time consensus problem for a class of ...