Adj.1.precooked- cooked partially or completely beforehand; "frozen precooked meals from the supermarket" prepared- made ready or fit or suitable beforehand; "a prepared statement"; "be prepared for emergencies" Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University...
Seventeen different kinds of precooked frozen dinners with three lots x five samples per lot were studied for microbial content. In total, 5520 analyses eight analyses x 690 individual samples) were made. Of the 690 samples, 3.77% exceeded s Standard Plate Count of 100,000/g, and 10.72% ...
Fully cooked beef:For hearty meals you can make in an instant, buy precooked frozen beef from John Soules Foods at your local grocery store. Our precooked beef entrees for sale range from Beef Fajitas to Beef Steak, so you can find an easy-to-cook, safe-to-handle entrée for any meal...
Deng said she does not allow her daughter to eat meat cooked after being frozen, let alone precooked food, so she is extra cautious about the meals she eats at school. 邓丽表示,她不允许女儿吃经过冷冻处理的肉类,更别说预制菜了,所以她对女儿在学校吃的饭菜格外谨慎。 According to Jimu News, ...
Deng said she does not allow her daughter to eat meat cooked after being frozen, let alone precooked food, so she is extra cautious about the meals she eats at school. 邓丽表示,她不允许女儿吃经过冷冻处理的肉类,更别说预制菜了,所以她对女儿在学校吃的饭菜格外谨慎。 According to Jimu News, ...