Ready to support your science 0 employees 0% scientific teams 0% previous experience in pharma industry 0 pharmaceutical standard research sites Working with us Outsourcing You get access to our expertise, exceptional talent and leading-edge technology, with open peer-to-peer exchange and communication...
As a leading CRO, we provide a suite of unparalleled services, designed to streamline your path to market. Our team of skilled scientists and experts ensures quality data for your critical decisions, advancing your lead compounds to first-in-human trials and accelerating your drug development miles...
with our preclinical CRO services, we offerconsulting servicesadapted to the specific needs of our clients. Ourmetabolic diseases expertsoffer their many years of experience in drug development to help you design and run efficient and cost-effective studies to shorten your product’s time to market...
Accelerate breakthroughs with our expert CRO services. Our GLP lab provides expert GLP and non-GLP studies, and pathway preclinical services.
Home One-stop Integrated Services Preclinical Research Preclinical Research Medicilon is a Preclinical Research Outsourcing (CRO) company. With more than 20 years of experience on preclinical research services, we are dedicated to provide our clients with customized preclinical services program in drug ...
Accelerate breakthroughs with our expert CRO services. Our GLP lab provides expert GLP and non-GLP studies, and pathway preclinical services.
More than a CRO, a team of collaborators – we are your dream neuroscience team specialized in preclinical EEG! We don’t just produce data, we are your partners from conceptualization to conclusion. We translate raw EEG data into meaningful, clinically-relevant endpoints, delivering clear insights...
Define preclinical. preclinical synonyms, preclinical pronunciation, preclinical translation, English dictionary definition of preclinical. adj. 1. Of or relating to the period of a disease before the appearance of symptoms. 2. Of or relating to research
Assessing the intrinsic properties of drug candidates with the latest DMPK studies. See More PROVIDING YOUR PIPELINES WITH THE SAFETY AND CERTAINTY THEY NEED. When developing a drug, and before releasing it to the market, there are certain milestones that cannot be bypassed when assessing a drug...
Apart from antibody drugs with intravitreal injection already in the market, other modalities and dosing routes are increasingly being tested in preclinical and clinical stage to replace or supplement current treatment. This new trend requires careful selection and [...] Read More NHP Models vs. ...