Precision for Medicine is a clinical research organization (CRO) that brings advanced technologies to help maximize insights into patient biology. Contact us today.
National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI). Precision medicine definition. Available at[1]Medicine#:~:text=Precision%20medicine%20(generally%20considered%20 analogous,related%20to%20their%20medical%20management. Accessed January 3...
Samsung Medical Center Research scientists perform accurate analysis by collaborating with clinicians and conducting fundamental research, genome research and clinical research to find the most appropriate treatments for patients and ultimately realize precision medicine. ...
Precision medicine is part of 5 focus areas of the Challenges in IBD Research 2024 research document, which also includes preclinical human IBD mechanisms, environmental triggers, novel technologies, and pragmatic clinical research. Building on Challenges in IBD Research 2019, the current Challenges ...
PREMIA is the largest Asian cancer clinical-genomic screening network in the world, powered by cutting-edge diagnostic technologies and artificial intelligence for data analysis
Precision Clinical Medicine获得了第一个影响因子(impact factor,IF)5.3分,JCI排名位于“Medicine, Research & Experimental”领域中Q1区(在领域内189种期刊中排名第37位,高于该领域80.6%的期刊;在该领域内53种ESCI期刊中排名第3)。这是继上个月本刊获得...
Precision Clinical Medicine is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that publishes original research articles, case reports, reviews, editorials, and perspectives in the field of precision medicine in a timely manner. The journal covers all aspects of precision medicine, which uses nove...
Precision Medicine The global understanding and practice of medicine is currently undergoing a revolutionary change. This shift to precision medicine means moving healthcare from a one-size-fits-all approach to a more targeted approach, where decisions are informed by each individual’s unique clinical...
In the era of precision medicine, it has been increasingly recognized that individuals with a certain disease are complex and different from each other. Due to the underestimation of the significant heterogeneity across participants in traditional “one-
PCM是国内在精准医学领域中第一本以“precision medicine”为关键词命名的英文期刊,其创办可填补精准医学领域的空白,有助于快速推广相关研究成果应用于精准治疗与精准诊断,促进国际学术交流,提高我国精准医学领域的国际影响力和竞争力。该刊组建了60余人的国际编委团队,包括3位诺贝尔奖获得者,国内外院士比例达27%;国际...