The Power Lift system for the Precision Matthews PM-25MV mill is used to raise and lower the mill head with the flip of a switch.DescriptionThe Power Lift is controlled by the motor control toggle switch which has two momentary positions: up and down. The 12VDC reversible gear motor has ...
Hugo CableJeremy L. O'BrienJonathan C. F. MatthewsPatrick M. BirchallBirchall P M, O'Brien J L, Matthews J C F and Cable H 2016 The quantum-classical boundary for precision interferometric measurements arXiv:160207561v1
DISCUSSION This ITR analysis provides a proof of concept for precision medicine in future AD research and drug development.doi:10.1002/alz.13431Menglan PangAudrey GabelleParamita Saha-ChaudhuriWillem HuijbersArie GafsonPaul M. MatthewsLu TianIvana RubinoRichard HughesCarl de MoorAlzheimer's & D...