Understanding precipitation is essential for quantifying weather and climate-related risks. Changes in precipitation climatology are typically based on independent analysis of precipitation frequency and intensity. Here we show that where it rains more o
Precipitation anomaly grades are usually defined by the percentage anomaly (Pa) or probability distribution (Pd) methods. However, the difference between the two may lead to different estimates for the same events, creating difficulty in judging the severity of the events. Here, we quantify the di...
coverage may increase depending on where you move. This is also why smaller/more specific forecasts tend to be more "accurate" than a large areal forecast. Now that we know what goes into the PoPs, does this percentage indicate whether the rain will be heavy or light? The answer to this ...
Here, we address how severe the change in extreme precipitation compares against the current national standard for precipitation climatology (NOAA Atlas 14) and how much of the population is affected by the underestimation of this risk in the contiguous United States (CONUS). As a result, extreme...
metrics (Black et al.2008; Caulfield et al.2006; Dewey and Begum2011). The population-level rates of stunting and wasting can be derived from the percentage of children with HAZ and WHZ scores less than − 2, although natural variation in human height as well as the arbitrary cutoff ...
Monthly precipitation as a percentage of annual total over seven sub-regions based on the 1995–2014 reference period, shown as box percentiles for GCMs (38) and observations (8) ensemble. The white horizontal lines represent the 25th, 50th and 75th percentile while black dot represents the mea...
Statistical significance (as seen as the probability p) takes values between 0 and 100 in percentage. In fact, p is used to test the level of confidence in H0. If the computed p value is lower than the chosen significance level, α (e.g. α = 1%, α = 5%, α = 10%), the ...
Fig. 9. The microbial community extracted from the carbonate mineral itself resulted in a rich diversity with only a small percentage (0.3%) of the population identified as Sporosarcina spp., the injected microorganism. In contrast, in the liquid sample that was enriched in the laboratory Sporosar...
(c) for time periods 1951–1980 versus 1984–2013. The colour scale refers to percentage change in R99p. PDFs of intensity and frequency changes are shown on the x-axis and y-axis, respectively. Crosses on the PDFs are mean values of the PDFs and scale to the results in (a,b) ...
Fig. 3: Contrasting trends in precipitation sensitivity for drylands and non-drylands. Comparison between the observed and modeled precipitation sensitivity trend as a percentage of the multi-year average. For observations and the multi-model ensemble mean (MMEM), red and blue indicate dryland and...