全詩每一節的最後都是以“牽著我的手,親愛的主,引領我回家”結束(Take my hand, Precious Lord, Lead me home);這是整首詩歌發出的最強音,反映了作者心中懇切的呼求和強烈的盼望。這盼望早已超越了作者身處的悲苦境況,直接與神的应许和永恆的盼望相連! 《親愛主,牽我手》這首詩歌不但幫助托...
Precious LordPraise Hymn Soundtracks
中文歌词English Lyrics主耶穌 我感謝祢祢的身體 為我而捨帶我出黑暗 進入光明國度使我再次能看見主耶穌 我感謝祢祢的寶血 為我而流寶貴十架上 醫治恩典湧流使我完全得自由寶貴十架的大能賜我生命主耶穌我俯伏敬拜祢寶貴十架的救恩是祢所立的約祢的愛永遠不會改變Lord Jesus
Controversy aside,Beyoncédid an excellent job with her unexpected performance at the 57th Annual Grammy Awards. Following an introduction from Gwyneth Paltrow and LL Cool J, Queen Bey capped off the three-and-a-half-hour show with the gospel hymn “Take My Hand, Precious Lord.” Dressed in ...
"Take My Hand, Precious Lord" (aka "Precious Lord, Take My Hand") is a gospel song, lyrics by Rev. Thomas A. Dorsey (1899-1993), melody by George Nelson Allen (1812-1877). The melody, although credited to Dorsey, was taken from a 1844 hymn entitled, "Maitland," by American ...