全詩每一節的最後都是以“牽著我的手,親愛的主,引領我回家”結束(Take my hand, Precious Lord, Lead me home);這是整首詩歌發出的最強音,反映了作者心中懇切的呼求和強烈的盼望。這盼望早已超越了作者身處的悲苦境況,直接與神的应许和永恆的盼望相連! 《親愛主,牽我手》這首詩歌不但幫助托...
Allen (1812-1877). Dorsey said he used it as inspiration. The "Maitland" music was for the text "Must Jesus Bear the Cross Alone", it first appeared in The Oberlin Social and Sabbath School Hymn Book.doi:http://www.loc.gov/item/afc9999005.23680Singing News...
Skeeter Davis "Precious Memories": Precious mem'ries unseen angels Sent from somewhere to my soul How they linger ever near me And the...
歌曲:How Sweet the Sound, a Medley of Hymns: Amazing Grace / Take My Hand, Precious Lord / Abide With Me / Mother’s Evening Prayer / Love At Home / Holy, Holy, Holy / All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name / Crown Him With Many Crowns / Joyful, Joyful We A
Dafun AS, Živković D, Leon-Icaza SA, Möller S, Froment C, Bonnet D, de Jesus AA, Alric L, Quaranta-Nicaise M, Ferrand A, et al. Establishing 20S Proteasome Genetic, Translational and Post-Translational Status from Precious Biological and Patient Samples with Top-Down MS. Cells. 20...
“Dear tummy. Thanks for making it so that when I eat food, I get to keep living. Torso, thank you for holding all of my important organs. Thanks for being the part of me that people squeeze when they hug. I love hugging. Dear legs. I see you there, and I’m really thankful th...